2010 IIi

Submissions Meet the Editor-in-Chief January 2018 March 2019 May/June 2021 Meet the Associate Editor July 2021 November 2019 January/February 2019 Book Review - Lyn Lifshin's "Ballroom" March 2020 September 2021 May 2020 Book Review: Amy Holman's Wrens Fly Through This Opened Window July/August 2018 Book Review: Kit Kennedy Reviews Heller Levinson September 2012 Book Review - Patricia Carragon Reviews Leigh Harrison November 2012 January 2020 March/April 2022 Book Review - Dean Kostos "Rivering" May 2013 Book Review: Hochman Reviews Ormerod Summer Issue 2013 September 2020 November/December 2018 McMaster Reviews Szporluk July/August 2014 November 2014 Book Review: Wright Reviews Gardner Stern Reviews Katrinka Moore May 2015 Hochman Reviews Ross July 2020 Tocco Reviews Simone September 2015 Simone Reviews Cefola May 2016 Bledsoe Reviews Wallace November 2016 January 2017 May 2017 Wehrman Reviews Dhar July 2017 September 2023 March 2024 May 2019 July 2019 September 2019 November 2023 March 2021 November 2021 WINTER 2022 Hochman Reviews Metras May 2022 November/December 2022 January/February 2023 March/April 2023 May 2023 July 2023 May/June 2024 July 2024 September 2024 November 2024


Editor's Note:  A big fat thank you to the poets who responded to the clarion call for submissions (ok, it was really a Facebook call but "clarion" sounds so much more poetic!)  Our aim is to showcase a diverse mix of talented poets, and to create a supportive atmosphere within which to share our craft and our humanity.


First Literary Review

2010  IIi










Love Is Like Oxygen

I love the smell of carcinogens in the morning!

                                                          -Michael Ceraolo

Michael Ceraolo is a 52-year old firefighter/paramedic/poet who has had one full-length book (Euclid Creek, from Deep Cleveland Press) and a few shorter-length books (Cleveland Haiku, from Green Panda Press and More Euclid Creek and Cleveland Scores Early, from Kendra-Steiner Editions) published.  He is looking forward to retirement next year so that he can write even more.



in memoriam

the Gulf Coast

draped in black


the flow of greed

dyed in black

BP is not green!


streets flooded

after the levees broke

jazz still cries at night



blood diamond

blood diamond

clarity shows

the stain of death

                                         -Patricia Carragon

Patricia Carragon is a New York City writer and poet. Her publications include Poetz.com, Rogue Scholars, Poets Wear Prada, Best Poem, BigCityLit, CLWN WR, Chantarelle's Notebook, Clockwise Cat, Ditch Poetry, MÖBIUS, The Poetry Magazine, The Toronto Quarterly, Marymark Press, and more. She is the author of Journey to the Center of My Mind (Rogue Scholars Press). She hosts and curates the Brooklyn-based Brownstone Poets and is the editor of the annual anthology. Her new book is Urban Haiku and More (Fierce Grace Press, 2010). For more information, please check out her Web sites at http://brownstonepoets.blogspot.com/ and at http://patriciacarragon8.wordpress.com/.




What does Life mean to you

What does it mean to give it your all

To face it when excited

To face it when in doom

To face it when alone….that is when

you really feel it


What does Vida mean to you.

                                                       -Diane Mofazelli

Diane Mofazelli is a New Yorker @ heart and mind, but resides in the warmth of Florida.  Her background is in the interior design field, and she has a floor covering business with her husband.  The poet reports: "Actually, this is my first time submitting anything I have written. So I hope it is felt by others.  Thank you for listening." 




You reduce me to
Words that never reach my ears.
An image of disjointed limbs
Piercing the flesh the
Finest compliment short of a
                                                -Zev Torres

Zev Torres is the author of Revision (2010), In Celebration of Hope and Change (2009), and Percussion Suite (2008).   Zev is a regular participant on the New York City spoken word circuit and has featured at numerous venues.  He has hosted Make Music New York's Spoken Word Extravaganza in Battery Park each of the past three years.  Zev is currently working on a collection of short fiction.  Some of Zev's work may be seen at http://www.zevtorres.wordpress.com/.





Anyone Can Be a Bard!


English isn't really all that hard,
though for mastery, you must be clever!
Anyone can be a bard!

Proper English was spoken by Jean-Luc Picard,
Remember that Star Trek Next Generation endeavor?
English isn't really all that hard.

A rhyme with lard? How about Swiss chard?
Or a rhyme with whoever?...Whatever!
Anyone can be a bard!

Dems, dees and dats are not on a poetic Christmas card,
but puns and other plays on words do abound, however!
English isn't really all that hard.

Sing a good "Old English" poetic song, then dance a galliard,
The phraseology will stay with you forever!
Anyone can be a bard!

As I near the end, this villanelle will be starred,
from this train of thought I'm about to sever...
English isn't really all that hard,
Anyone can be a bard!
                                                  -John Todras



John A. Todras, retired teacher, was a first place prize winner in a Shelley Society of NY poetry contest and the Borders Book contest on Long Island.  He has also served as Associate Publisher of the New Press Literary Quarterly, as well as having developed the business plan and trained the hosts of events for a Long Island poetry organization.  A former concert pianist, he has devoted many years to creating comedic cabaret and love songs. 

Contact:  ElizabethOne1@msn.com.







Little sparks of life, you know all things are in motion
Making circles and soft lines

Hair blowing in the wind
First place trophy
He gets married
She bears three children
A look across a room
Eyes meet
A cocktail napkin comes unstuck from the bottom of a glass

I pulled for you
I watched you through it all, through the flames
Born in time, in Limbo
Another ridiculous earthquake
New homes
New cars
New shirts and pants

Someone said Seraphim made a list of people
Extra-shallow, shallow,
deep, and...
In too deep.
                                                                         -Michael Reiss

Michael Reiss is a writer who grew up in the Mexican sun and never
really left that spirit of Mayan magic and road freedom.  For the time being, he lives and subverts in Brooklyn, NY, planning for us all to be emancipated...one day, Gang, one day.





When whales salivate

I’ll shake a brainstorm

free of keepsake variety

in the huddle of a poodle



Lucent words their urge

solidified in fragrant ladies

summering in a wayward

yearning for peripherals

                                           -Mitch Corber

Mitch Corber has recited his musical poetry throughout the city. His work has appeared in Blackbox Manifold, Columbia Poetry Review, Blazevox, Listenlight, Polarity, and others. He founded the Thin Air Video Poetry DVD Archives which includes Ginsberg, Corso, Ashbery, Di Prima, and Cage, as well as dozens of contemporary NYC poets. Awardee of the New York Foundation for the Arts, and director-camera of NYC's Poetry Thin Air Cable Show.



A Lion is a Cow

Meat I ate was once a lion.

Had to be.  My mother told me

it would make me strong.

Like a lion.


She’d cut it up for me, into

little pieces.  I’d leave the last

piece.  She’d say:  the last

piece was the key.


Years later:  I learned,

meat I ate was not a lion.

I was:  hurtshocked.

A cow?

                                         -Ted Jonathan


(previously published in Bones & Jokes and Iconoclast).

Ted Jonathan is a poet and short story writer. Born and raised in the Bronx, he now lives in Manhattan . His work has appeared in many literary magazines. Ted has recently been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. His first collection Spiked Libido was published by Neukeia Press. Bones & Jokes, his most recent full-length collection of poems and short stories, has been published by NYQ Books (2009)http://www.nyqpoets.net/poet/tedjonathan?PHPSESSID=44831dcae90a40eddd9562bb0f98fe89




Getting ready to stir up a memory can be like

coming upon an inquisitive child holding a stick,

studying an anthill.  When the arm lifts, you

intercede, admonishing with your tiny Zen-bell

voice.  Fascinating as it might be, who wants such a

scattering and its ensuing mayhem unsettling across

the flowerbed, disoriented workers frantically trying

to save the queen.  She sits somewhere, deep,

below, protecting the future, swollen with memory.


                                                 -Karen Neuberg

(Originally published in DETAILED STILL)

Karen Neuberg's work has appeared in or is forthcoming in many on-line and print journals and anthologies, including Barrow Street, Melusine, or Woman in the 21st Century, PoetryBay Magazine, and Switched-on-Gutenberg.  She is the author of the chapbook, Detailed Still (Poets Wear Prada Press, 2009), is a Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee, holds an MFA from the New School, and is associate editor of Inertia Magazine.  Links to her work can be found at http://karenneuberg.blogspot.com.